Whites Hill State College is committed to providing support and care to all students. Wellbeing is fostered across the College through staff working together to support student welfare. At WHSC the CARES program promotes a sense of belonging within the school community to help students connect to their schooling. Our Support Staff are located in Student Services at the bottom of C Block.
WHSC is part of The Resilience Project – The Resilience Project is committed to teaching positive mental health strategies and build young people's capacity to deal with adversity.
Teachers and students engage in lessons and activities around the key principles of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM) and Emotional Literacy to build resilience.

Support Staff:
Guidance Officers
WHSC has a Guidance Officer specialising in Secondary Education and a Guidance Officer specialising in Primary Education. The Guidance Officers are available to speak with students and parents on a range of issues supporting the welfare of students.
Guidance officers are specialist teachers who deliver a broad range of services to school community members. They contribute to the development of a comprehensive student support and wellbeing program that is responsive to the needs of the school community.
Support offered by guidance officers includes:
Providing advice and counselling on educational, behavioural, vocational, personal, social, family, and mental health and wellbeing issues.
Addressing learning barriers
Psychoeducational assessments
Friends and relationships
Jobs and career pathways
Subject selection
Supporting students and families to access external support agencies.
Please click on links below to access online resources:
Kids Help Line: www.kidshelpline.com.au
Lifeline: www.lifeline.org.au
Beyond Blue: https://beyondblue.org.au
Black Dog Institute: www.blackdoginstitute.org.au
Parent Help line: www.parentline.com.au
Job Guide: www.job-guide.com.au
My Future: www.myfuture.edu.au
Head of Inclusive Education
Students come from diverse social, cultural, geographic and family backgrounds, are of many identities and all abilities.
Please click on the link below for information regarding inclusive education.
Department of Education Inclusive Education
School Based Health Nurse
The School-based Youth Health Service is delivered in partnership with Education Queensland to address the health and wellbeing of the young people and the school communities in Brisbane state secondary schools.
School-based youth health nurses provide:
Individual health consultations with assessment, support, health information and referral options related to:
Healthy eating and exercise
Personal and family problems
Feeling sad, worried and angry
Sexual health
Smoking, alcohol and other drugs
Growth and development
Promoting health and wellbeing with a "whole school approach" to support the development of healthy school environments.
Making recommendations on health resources to support curriculum, teaching and learning activities in schools.
The school-based youth health nurse does not provide medical treatments, first aid, medications, physical examinations, or ongoing counselling.
Click here for further information on the School Based Youth Health Nurse.

Social Worker
School social workers work with students and their families to support students’ educational, developmental, social and emotional needs. Social workers provide interventions to support students’ mild to moderate mental health concerns. These interventions may include individual student counselling, working with students’ families and/or other support staff, and running group sessions with students at the school.
Social workers operate as part of the student support team to provide holistic support for the young person within the school setting.
Industry Liaison Officer
Our Industry Liaison Officer assists students in gaining work experience, school-based traineeships and apprenticeships. The Industry Liaison Officer assists and encourages students in finding a vocational pathway through developing extensive links with business and industry in our local area.