Years 7 to 9 at Whites Hill State College is known as the Junior Secondary phase of learning. Junior Secondary is underpinned by six guiding principles.
A distinct group identity as Junior Secondary students
Quality teaching by dedicated staff who provide an excellent role model
Supporting student wellbeing
Welcoming family and community involvement though active communication
Providing Junior Secondary student leadership opportunities
Encouraging local decision making
The staff will support all students throughout their Junior Secondary years at the College. We recognise that every student can achieve academic success. We will share the responsibility with families and students for assisting each student in attaining his/her educational goals.
The College has a dedicated Junior Secondary precinct with the co-location of classrooms for core learning areas to create a learning space for Years 7 to 9. Junior Secondary students will have core classrooms where their core subjects will be taught. Junior Secondary students also share whole-of-College learning spaces in the Library, Integrated Learning Centre, computer rooms and specialist subject areas.
There are identified facilities for Junior Secondary students – two computer laboratories and three computer pods between classrooms, Junior Secondary boys’ and girls’ toilets, and a Year 7 eating area. Students feel a sense of belonging and connectedness to WHSC, and to feeling safe and confident in their environment.
There is a distinct teaching team for Junior Secondary with Culture and Engagement leaders, core teachers with each class, and a minimum number of subject teachers allocated in order to maximise contact time and reinforce student-teacher relationships.
Junior secondary
French Bilingual Program
Whites Hill State College is the only Queensland State high school offering a French Bilingual Program.
The College plans to continue extending its high school provision by opening a new year level every year.
Year 7 and Year 8 French bilingual students undertake subject French according to the French National Curriculum. They also undertake their Humanities subject in the French language, from a French-Australian harmonised curriculum. One of their elective subjects will be taught in the French language, from the Australian curriculum. They then join their peers from the general program for their core subjects, taught in English, from the Australian Curriculum.
To be eligible to join the French Bilingual Program, students will require a B1 level from CECRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

When your child starts Year 7, they are in the equivalent of “Classe de Cinquième" in France, part of “Cycle 4".
“Cycle 4" encompasses Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9.
By the end of Cycle 4, students will have acquired knowledge in several areas. The five main areas of learning from the B.O.E.N (French National Curriculum) are:

Curricula and learning styles in the FBP are harmonised for an ideal learning experience. Our students then realise that the English and French curricula overlap, just as subjects are linked.
French speaking teachers have been recruited to work alongside our Australian teachers on this innovative program. All teachers are also required to be registered with Queensland College of Teachers.
Be on track for success!
Enrolment for 2026 are now open:
French Bilingual Program Waiting List Form