Welcome to WHSC Prep
Here at WHSC, we understand choosing a school for your child's Prep year is a very important decision.
At Whites Hill State College we have:
- A smaller Primary School means we know our learners personally. We know them as learners and as little individuals. We know where they are in their learning, where they need to be, and what is required to accelerate and move them forward academically.
- Great teaching team: We have a great Prep teaching team that loves working together. We understand the importance of regular communication with parents during this all-important foundation year. Our happy, colourful classrooms are a joy for children to attend each day.
- Beautiful spacious grounds: Students enjoy running and playing in our big, open playing fields. We are fortunate to have separate fields for different year levels as well as great sporting facilities including our 25m swimming pool.
- Prep Reading Program: Here at WHSC, every student in Prep receives a daily one-to-one reading lesson. Our reading program continues to achieve great results.
- The benefit of one campus: With Primary and Secondary in one campus, Whites Hill State College means students commence in Prep and stay with us right through to Secondary School.

Whites Hill State College French Bilingual Program
Register your interest now for Prep-Yr4 and Yr7-Yr9 for 2026:
French Bilingual Program Waiting List Form
French-Australian Bilingual Program Waiting Lists
Important Information
The link for the waitlist will be live Tuesday 4 February 2025, 7:00am.
Enter your child's details and your contact details into the survey. Your responses will be added to the waiting list and will be ordered based on the time stamp of when the survey was submitted.
Check your mobile number and email address carefully. If we are unable to contact you we are unable to offer you a position in the French Bilingual Program.
A new application will need to be submitted each year.
We must be able to contact you during Term 3 and 4. You must respond to an offer of enrolment within 48 hours of offer to confirm placement.
You must be residing in Brisbane for us to accept your enrolment papers.
Selection criteria for entry into the French Bilingual Program can be found here - WHSC Criteria to enter French Bilingual Program
What to do next?
1. To check if your student is of age to attend Prep please click the link to this school age calculator:
School age calculator and information
2. Browse these documents relating to starting school and Prep.

3. Attend a Prep Information Session.
4. Print or fill out your 'Enrolment form'.
Please return completed forms via email admin@whiteshillsc.eq.edu.au or in person to our main administration office at 138 Burn Street, Camp Hill.
5. We will contact you to make an appointment for an enrolment interview.
Please download your enrolment forms to fill in (Forms found on our Enrolments page) and contact our College administration team by phoning 3900 8333 to organise your interview to secure your spot.
We look forward to working with you and your child in Prep at WHSC!