
Acceptable use of ICT facilities and devices


The College maintains a wide range of information and communication technologies (ICT) that support teaching and learning. Students are able to make full use of these facilities once they have signed the current Acceptable use of ICT facilities and devices agreement.



Students will be responsible for ensuring that:

  • they use the device in accordance  with the College's Responsible behaviour plan, Acceptable use of ICT facilities and devices agreement and the direction of teachers
  • they have their device with them in class
  • there is always space on their device for the storage of school-related files
  • the device is charged
  • device has the required apps or software installed
  • problems or damage are promptly reported to IT Support or the Head of Department (IT)

Students are permitted to place music, video, apps etc on their personal device with the expectation that:

  • content inappropriate for school is not accessed or shown to others while at the College
  • space is left in the memory for files for school-work.

Failure to meet responsibilities in regard to the use of ICT will result in consequences under the College’s Responsible Behaviour Plan. 

Parents / care givers

When the iPad is not on campus, parents / care givers will need to support their children in the device's use and care.

In the case of iPads the purchase of a robust case is strongly recommended. AppleCare Protection Plan for iPads (i.e. warranty) is cost effective. It also includes two years of telephone support. Families can decide whether to insure their student’s iPad.  Please consult your insurance broker.


The College is responsible for:

  • providing network access, filtered internet and printing services
  • monitoring internet activity at the College
  • promoting the safe and responsible use of ICT devices.

The College may need to

  • inspect devices (allowing for student privacy) if students do not follow the Acceptable Use of ICT Facilities and Devices agreement
  • restrict/remove student access in the case of a breach of the Agreement.

Despite internal departmental controls to manage content on the internet, illegal, dangerous or offensive information may be accessed or accidentally displayed. Teachers will always exercise their duty of care, but avoiding or reducing access to harmful information also requires responsible use by the student.

Last reviewed 07 June 2019
Last updated 07 June 2019